You have hopefully got to the end of your cellphone contract, you have done paying for your high-cost mobile and you really are eager to chose a cheaper Pay-As-You-Go deal. There is just one snag. Your device is locked to your current carrier and if you can't fix that, you're not gonna be able to get a better option provided by other networks. So, how do you get your cell phone network unlocked and get your pick of the SIM-only offers? Fortunately, it's essentially really easy.
Nothing at all is illegal about unlocking your smartphone. It is yours and you are therefore within your rights to use it with any provider you want. Nevertheless, there's a very good chance that carrier unlocking your cellular phone may end your warranty, so it could very well be best to hold-off until you have reached the end of your contractual obligations before you decide to ditch your existing carrier.
When your cell phone has been unlocked, you're ready to locate one of the lowest priced cellular deals out there - a sim-only offer. Most of these usually work on a rolling month-to-month basis, which means you can use the deal as long as you are content with your mobile or you can up grade when a brand new model is dropped or your good old mobile phone finally gives up the ghost.
If you're uncertain which website you can trust, I highly recommend Unlock.Zone. They offer unlocks for all major makes and carriers, give a guaranteed price match promise, but most importantly, offer a full refund policy in the unlikely event they can't unlock your cell phone. I've used them personally and was very happy with the service I received and ultimately that they successfully unlocked my smartphone.
Visit their site by following this link: IMEI CellPhones Unlock